Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Why do we write 'yours sincerely' at the end of a letter?
A: During the days of sculptors like Michaelangelo, the sculptors would hide the flaws in their sculptures by smearing hot wax. This was considered as cheating. 'Sincere' literally means 'sine cera' i.e. 'without wax'. So we write 'yours sincerely' to tell the reader that our letter is without wax and our words are entirely true and we have not cheated!

Monday, March 29, 2010


To prove: 1 rupee= 1 paise
1 rupee= 10 paise x 10 paise
= 0.1 rupee x 0.1 rupee
= 0.01 rupee......................(1)
But 1 paise= 1/100 rupee
=0.01 rupee..................(2)
Therefore 1 rupee=1 paise.........................from (1) and (2)